You can reach us via a number of ways. Whether by phone, email or visiting our office in Walsall, we aim to give you the best support possible. You can also fill out the form below and reach us via the contact form - one of the team will get in touch.
Reach us
Make More, The Walsall Hub, 1902 Green Lane, Walsall,
West Midlands,
01922 308 136
Need Support?
Need some guidance or support then you can reach out to the Make More support team using the details below. We are here to help so rest assured; we will endeavour to provide you with the absolute best customer service around. Feel free to email, call or use the contact form on this page.
Looking to Partner?
We aim to partner with organisations that incorporate and embody the values that we hold. If you believe your organisation and the work you are doing follows these values, then please reach out to our team, using the contact form.
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