GDPR and
Data Protection
1. Make More recognises the importance of promoting ethical practices and upholding human rights. This policy outlines our commitment to combatting slavery and bribery within our organisation and supply chains. It applies to all staff, volunteers, contractors, and anyone else associated with Make More.
2. Anti-Slavery Policy
2.1. Make More strictly prohibits any form of slavery, human trafficking, or forced labour. This includes any involvement in such practices, either directly or indirectly.
2.2. All staff and internal team members must be aware of and comply with this policy, ensuring that they do not engage in or support any activities that involve slavery or human trafficking.
3. Responsibilities
3.1. Make More Management:
a. Establish and enforce procedures to prevent slavery and human trafficking within the organisation.
b. Provide training and resources to promote awareness and understanding of anti-slavery measures.
c. Ensure that relevant policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated.
3.2. Staff and Internal Team Members:
a. Familiarise themselves with and adhere to the anti-slavery policy.
b. Report any suspicions or concerns regarding potential slavery or human trafficking promptly to the designated authority.
c. Cooperate fully with any investigations into suspected instances of slavery or human trafficking.
4. Supply Chains and Due Diligence
4.1. Make More is committed to conducting due diligence to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not exist within our supply chains.
4.2. Suppliers and contractors will be assessed and selected based on their compliance with this policy and their commitment to ethical practices.
4.3. Contracts with suppliers and contractors will include provisions that require them to adhere to anti-slavery and human rights standards.
5. Anti-Bribery Policy
5.1. Make More prohibits all forms of bribery, including offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting bribes, whether directly or indirectly.
5.2. Staff and internal team members must not engage in any activity that could be construed as bribery or corrupt behaviour.
6. Responsibilities
6.1. Make More Management:
a. Establish and enforce procedures to prevent bribery and corrupt practices within the organisation.
b. Provide training and resources to promote awareness and understanding of anti-bribery measures.
c. Ensure that relevant policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated.
6.2. Staff and Internal Team Members:
a. Familiarise themselves with and adhere to the anti-bribery policy.
b. Report any suspicions or concerns regarding potential bribery or corrupt practices promptly to the designated authority.
c. Cooperate fully with any investigations into suspected instances of bribery or corrupt practices.
7. Gifts, Hospitality, and Donations
7.1. Staff and internal team members must not offer or accept gifts, hospitality, or donations that could be perceived as intended to influence business decisions or gain an unfair advantage.
7.2. Any offers or requests for gifts, hospitality, or donations that raise concerns should be reported to the designated authority.
8. Compliance and Reporting
8.1. Compliance with this anti-slavery and bribery policy is mandatory for all staff and internal team members.
8.2. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or engagement.
8.3. All concerns or suspicions regarding slavery, human trafficking, or bribery should be reported promptly through designated reporting channels.
8.4. All reports will be treated confidentially, and appropriate investigations will be conducted in line with established procedures and legal requirements.
9. Implementation and Review
9.1. Make More will ensure the effective implementation of this policy through training, communication, and regular assessments of compliance.
9.2. The policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in legislation, best practices, and emerging risks.
10. Conclusion Make More is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, human rights, and ethical business practices. By adhering to this Anti-Slavery and Bribery Policy, we aim to prevent and address any instances of slavery, human trafficking, and bribery within our organisation and supply chains. Through collective efforts and compliance with this policy, we can contribute to a fair and responsible business environment.